API - Extensions namespace

Function Summary
cot_extension_addRegisters an extension in the core
cot_extension_catcmpCompares 2 extension info entries by category code.
cot_extension_dependencies_statisfiedChecks if all dependencies for selected extension are satisfied.
cot_extension_installInstalls or updates a Cotonti extension: module or plugin.
cot_extension_installedChecks if module is already installed
cot_extension_list_infoReturns an array containing meta information for all extensions in a directory
cot_extension_pauseSuspends (temporarily disables) a module
cot_extension_removeUnregisters a module from the core
cot_extension_resumeResumes a paused module
cot_extension_typeReturns installed extension type: 'module' if extension is a module, 'plug' if extension is a plugin or FALSE if extension is not installed.
cot_extension_uninstallUninstalls an extension and removes all its data
cot_extension_updateUpdates module version number in the registry
cot_file_phpdocParses PHPDoc file header into an array
cot_infogetExtract info from COT file headers
cot_plugin_addRegisters a plugin or module in hook registry Example: $hook_bindings = array( array( 'part' => 'rss', 'hook' => 'rss.main', 'order' => 20 ), array( 'part' => 'header', 'hook' => 'header.tags', ) ); cot_plugin_add($hook_bindings, 'test', 'Test plugin', false);
cot_plugin_pauseSuspends a plugin or one of its parts
cot_plugin_removeRemoves a plugin or one of its parts from hook registry
cot_plugin_resumeResumes a suspended plugin or one of its parts
Global Summary
COT_EXT_NOTHING_TO_UPDATEA value returned by cot_extension_install() when updating and there is nothing to update